#1 “Expresso”

Related post: 20 “Green Flags” That Signalled These People To Move Ahead In A Relationship, As Shared In This Online Thread More Info: Reddit Image source: Grimace_aintnoshake, Kanesue They pronounce the word “expresso” when they mean “espresso”, or “expecially” instead of “especially.”

#2 What A Nominal Coincidence!?

Image source: Fit_Sheepherder_3894, Simon Kellogg She had the same first name and last name as my grandpa.

#3 Can She Stop With The Disney Already?

Image source: OkCoast9806, DAVID BURILLO If they’re super into Disney stuff, it creeps me out for some reason.

#4 Say-Ruh!

Image source: Sp3nc3r420, Vladimir Pustovit My grandparents were very southern. When I was a kid, I spent the night at their house and heard them…wrestling. I heard my grandpa say my grandma’s name, Sarah, but with his accent, he said, “Ooh Say-ruh!” I met a girl named Sarah, who was also southern. When she introduced herself as “Say-ruh” I had to nope out. It just gave me the heebie-jeebies.

#5 Gonna Eat Whatever I Want, Whenever I Want

Image source: Pithy-, Cowbell Solo They are deathly allergic to nuts. The idea of never having Nutella or Snickers again – or risk killing my partner with a kiss – is too much.

#6 Who Wears Fake Glasses Anyway?!

Image source: DHKillinger, Nate Steiner He wore fake glasses and didn’t like vegetables.

#7 So, Are You A Virgo…?

Image source: Slug212, pxhere Into star signs and the like. To the point of being reminded what sign you are which somehow has an effect [on] who you [are] and your personality traits lol

#8 Botox Is A Step Too Far

Image source: RealGrendel, *highlimitzz I can’t date anyone with lip injections. It felt super unnatural kissing her. Like kissing a baboon with rigor mortis.

#9 Grammar Is A Foreign Concept

Image source: shrillysoupygusto, Tricia “‘cUs sHe TeXteD LiKe dIs! :):):):) :p:p:p:p =))))))”

#10 “God Told Me…”

Image source: GreatPancakee, Micael Faccio I had a guy break up with me in high school because God told him to… I was like, uh okay, guess I can’t argue with that one.

#11 Not Fast, Nor Furious Enough

Image source: S*****nwithmykitten, Nicolas Vigier She said I drove slow on our date. She likes men that live “dangerously” It snowed heavily while we were at a fancy dinner. I was in my father’s car because I had just gotten back from Iraq. She called me a week later, I said I need a woman that is more down-to-earth.

#12 I’m Reading A Book, Man, Don’t You Ever Interrupt Me While I’m Reading A Book!

Image source: superopie, Alan Cleaver I almost broke up with a girl when she was trying to be seductive and yanked my book out of my hand and closed it losing my spot.

#13 Selfiegram

Image source: Ellemeno, César If their Instagram is nothing but selfies, especially if they’re striking the same pose in every shot. I had a match like that and it honestly creeped me out.

#14 Eating Pizza “Separately”

Image source: Breadrozt, Sam DeLong She ate pizza with her hands. No, not like you think. She would scoop up the toppings in a messy pile and like an animal, claw them up and eat them, then rip the bread and eat it. We were at a fancy Italian place and I got horrified.

#15 Arm-Swinging.exe Not Found

Image source: Macklemonster, Gareth Williams I broke up with a pretty hot girl when I was younger because she didn’t swing her arms when she walked. It just looked weird and reminded me of a gorilla. Really stupid reason I know, but it just looked so stupid and I couldn’t overcome it.

#16 Question Everything

Image source: Pennaflumen, Ivan Radic She did that thing with her voice, where every sentence she said ended with a question mark. Follow-up: Since so many people have asked, she was not Australian. She’s American.

#17 Cat Names Are A Serious Factor Here

Image source: GoBanana42, steve p2008 Only went on one date but he named his cat Creamy, and the way he said it grossed me out.

#18 Mamma’s Boy

Image source: waqasnaseem07, Dennis Yang She had the same name as my mom.

#19 Cringey Home Decor

Image source: XenophonOnTheLawn, Amina Ebrahim Live, laugh, love style home decor.

#20 Apple Juice Is Life

Image source: pbspry, Glenn Robinson I instantly noped out of an otherwise fine blind date when she ordered apple juice – off menu – at a fancy restaurant. 19-year-old me only knew apple juice as a toddler’s drink, and I just couldn’t get past it. I’m no longer that petty. But I did make the mistake of mentioning this to my wife once, many years ago. And she now makes a habit of ordering apple juice whenever we’re at a fancy restaurant, just to see if I squirm.

These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 91These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 86These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 60These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 62These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 24These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 46These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 98These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 70These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 88These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 11These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 53These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 73These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 25These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 98These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 13These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 54These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 51These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 20These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 69These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 37

title: “These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online” ShowToc: true date: “2024-09-03” author: “Carla Toscano”

#1 “Expresso”

Related post: 20 “Green Flags” That Signalled These People To Move Ahead In A Relationship, As Shared In This Online Thread More Info: Reddit Image source: Grimace_aintnoshake, Kanesue They pronounce the word “expresso” when they mean “espresso”, or “expecially” instead of “especially.”

#2 What A Nominal Coincidence!?

Image source: Fit_Sheepherder_3894, Simon Kellogg She had the same first name and last name as my grandpa.

#3 Can She Stop With The Disney Already?

Image source: OkCoast9806, DAVID BURILLO If they’re super into Disney stuff, it creeps me out for some reason.

#4 Say-Ruh!

Image source: Sp3nc3r420, Vladimir Pustovit My grandparents were very southern. When I was a kid, I spent the night at their house and heard them…wrestling. I heard my grandpa say my grandma’s name, Sarah, but with his accent, he said, “Ooh Say-ruh!” I met a girl named Sarah, who was also southern. When she introduced herself as “Say-ruh” I had to nope out. It just gave me the heebie-jeebies.

#5 Gonna Eat Whatever I Want, Whenever I Want

Image source: Pithy-, Cowbell Solo They are deathly allergic to nuts. The idea of never having Nutella or Snickers again – or risk killing my partner with a kiss – is too much.

#6 Who Wears Fake Glasses Anyway?!

Image source: DHKillinger, Nate Steiner He wore fake glasses and didn’t like vegetables.

#7 So, Are You A Virgo…?

Image source: Slug212, pxhere Into star signs and the like. To the point of being reminded what sign you are which somehow has an effect [on] who you [are] and your personality traits lol

#8 Botox Is A Step Too Far

Image source: RealGrendel, *highlimitzz I can’t date anyone with lip injections. It felt super unnatural kissing her. Like kissing a baboon with rigor mortis.

#9 Grammar Is A Foreign Concept

Image source: shrillysoupygusto, Tricia “‘cUs sHe TeXteD LiKe dIs! :):):):) :p:p:p:p =))))))”

#10 “God Told Me…”

Image source: GreatPancakee, Micael Faccio I had a guy break up with me in high school because God told him to… I was like, uh okay, guess I can’t argue with that one.

#11 Not Fast, Nor Furious Enough

Image source: S*****nwithmykitten, Nicolas Vigier She said I drove slow on our date. She likes men that live “dangerously” It snowed heavily while we were at a fancy dinner. I was in my father’s car because I had just gotten back from Iraq. She called me a week later, I said I need a woman that is more down-to-earth.

#12 I’m Reading A Book, Man, Don’t You Ever Interrupt Me While I’m Reading A Book!

Image source: superopie, Alan Cleaver I almost broke up with a girl when she was trying to be seductive and yanked my book out of my hand and closed it losing my spot.

#13 Selfiegram

Image source: Ellemeno, César If their Instagram is nothing but selfies, especially if they’re striking the same pose in every shot. I had a match like that and it honestly creeped me out.

#14 Eating Pizza “Separately”

Image source: Breadrozt, Sam DeLong She ate pizza with her hands. No, not like you think. She would scoop up the toppings in a messy pile and like an animal, claw them up and eat them, then rip the bread and eat it. We were at a fancy Italian place and I got horrified.

#15 Arm-Swinging.exe Not Found

Image source: Macklemonster, Gareth Williams I broke up with a pretty hot girl when I was younger because she didn’t swing her arms when she walked. It just looked weird and reminded me of a gorilla. Really stupid reason I know, but it just looked so stupid and I couldn’t overcome it.

#16 Question Everything

Image source: Pennaflumen, Ivan Radic She did that thing with her voice, where every sentence she said ended with a question mark. Follow-up: Since so many people have asked, she was not Australian. She’s American.

#17 Cat Names Are A Serious Factor Here

Image source: GoBanana42, steve p2008 Only went on one date but he named his cat Creamy, and the way he said it grossed me out.

#18 Mamma’s Boy

Image source: waqasnaseem07, Dennis Yang She had the same name as my mom.

#19 Cringey Home Decor

Image source: XenophonOnTheLawn, Amina Ebrahim Live, laugh, love style home decor.

#20 Apple Juice Is Life

Image source: pbspry, Glenn Robinson I instantly noped out of an otherwise fine blind date when she ordered apple juice – off menu – at a fancy restaurant. 19-year-old me only knew apple juice as a toddler’s drink, and I just couldn’t get past it. I’m no longer that petty. But I did make the mistake of mentioning this to my wife once, many years ago. And she now makes a habit of ordering apple juice whenever we’re at a fancy restaurant, just to see if I squirm.

These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 20These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 87These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 67These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 10These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 37These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 2These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 25These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 87These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 9These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 36These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 59These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 10These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 78These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 43These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 89These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 23These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 53These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 40These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 42These 20 People Refused To Date Someone For The Pettiest Reasons And Shared Why With Everyone Online - 48