25 Cool And Interesting Facts As Shared On This Online Thread

#1 Image source: The_Mr_Wilson, gagneet parmar We live in an explosion so violent that dust woke up and started thinking about it. We are the universe observing and considering itself. #2 Image source: LtRegBarclay, niagarafallstourism They turn Niagara Falls down at night. There are hydroelectric dams around the waterfalls for power generation, and the authorities divert more of the river through them at night when there aren’t tourists around. During the day (and especially in peak season) they let more of the water through so the waterfall looks more spectacular....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;26 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;5509 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Marie Mee

25 Funny Memes That Accurately Describe Navigating Life As A Woman

#1 Image source: girlsprobzz #2 Image source: girlsprobzz similarly: Wow. that’s actually really artistic. #3 Image source: girlsprobzz #4 Image source: girlsprobzz #5 Image source: girlsprobzz similarly: “I understood that reference!” #6 Image source: girlsprobzz #7 Image source: girlsprobzz #8 Image source: girlsprobzz Mohsie Supposie: THAT is a very important part of the day! #9 Image source: girlsprobzz #10 Image source: girlsprobzz #11 Image source: girlsprobzz #12 Image source: girlsprobzz...

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;191 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Heather Murphey

25 Lighthearted Posts From A Random Meme Page

#1 Image source: couplethingvideos DennyS (denzoren): Right…left….left…right….back…awake. #2 Image source: couplethingvideos #3 Image source: couplethingvideos #4 Image source: couplethingvideos #5 Image source: couplethingvideos #6 Image source: couplethingvideos #7 Image source: couplethingvideos zovjraar me: can i just get someone to put away the dishes? #8 Image source: couplethingvideos #9 Image source: couplethingvideos #10 Image source: couplethingvideos #11 Image source: couplethingvideos #12 Image source: couplethingvideos Secret Squirrel (edited): It’s convenient when they let you know they don’t respect boundaries before you have to date them....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;186 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Samuel Bishop

25 Moments When Listening To Intuition Was A Lifesaver

#1 Image source: zondervoze, Sasun Bughdaryan / unsplash (not the actual photo) I noticed pain in my lower back one morning and thought I slept on it wrong or something. Throughout the day it continued and started to feel like when you get kicked in the groin. Thought to myself it’s probably cancer. Did a self check and didn’t think I noticed anything and had my GF do the same and she wasn’t sure....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;20 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;4075 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Margaret Stanford

25 Of The Creepiest Rabbit Holes People Found Themselves Obsessed With

#1 I forget the subreddit, but it shook me to my deepest fiber. It’s a Reddit where they ask you if you can ID where a photo was taken. At first I thought, oh cool, this sounds fun… Image source: asian-jeff, Czapp Árpád Some of the photos clearly had a small child edited out, they were f*****g trafficked and trying to find where the perp is who is committing the heinous act(s)....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;13 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;2673 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Edward Hamlett

25 Of The Most Unhinged Guests People Have Had To Deal With

#1 “I was emptying your dishwasher and I didn’t really know where anything was supposed to go, so I went ahead and rearranged all your cabinets in a way that makes sense to meeee…” Image source: oGsBathSalts, Jean van der Meulen I knew my MIL staying with us was going to be a problem, but this was a level I was not prepared for. Like really, you couldn’t just open cabinets until you found the cups and put them in there, and so on?...

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;14 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;2851 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Cheryl Gilbert

25 Opinions On How Working Culture Has Changed Throughout The Years

#1 I’ve been working in healthcare for 33+ years. At the beginning (late 80s/early 90s), everything was patient centered. Now it’s payment centered. Image source: millenniumxl-200, Jonathan Borba #2 People smoking indoors. Clouds of smoke everywhere in the office and no way for a nonsmoker to avoid it. That was the norm so you just had to suck it up. Image source: andBobsyourcat, Tobias Tullius #3 That you chose a career, and you worked for an employee – and they valued your experience....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;31 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;6481 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Heather Williams

25 Popular Life Tips That Have Become Irrelevant According To People Online

#1 When there’s a bully, just ignore them. Sorry but most bullies won’t stop just cause you ignore them. Sometimes you gotta put them in their place. Image source: AzuleStriker, Keira Burton #2 God gives you what you can handle. No. This is not true. If it were then people wouldn’t commit [self-harm]. People’s lives and mental health can implode all too easily. Image source: Eli1026, Josh Applegate #3 “Tough it out” Image source: anon, Hayley Murray No....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;6 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;1166 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Gary Graham

25 Risky Activities People Stepped Away From For Their Own Good

#1 Image source: DeadlyToeFunk, Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels (not the actual photo) Variable rate mortgages. #2 Image source: BobEvansBirthdayClub, Pixabay/Pexels (not the actual photo) Flying on a tight schedule. The airlines are not functioning well anymore… I think COVID really damaged air travel. #3 Image source: wampey, Avan Wathman/Pexels (not the actual photo) Chanel, most luxury items… multiple price increases each year over multiple years…. #4 Image source: chichilover, cottonbro studio/Pexels (not the actual photo) Working yourself to death....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;4 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;812 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Albert Sadler

25 Social Norms From Back In The Day That Aren T Acceptable Anymore

#1 Kissing, hugging, or being forced to dance with a creepy relative. Image source: inky_bat, nd3000 / Envato #2 I’ve been told that women were expected to wear “foundation garments” at work, and if they didn’t, then they might get reprimanded. I’m talking about longline bras and girdles. In the 80s, one of my friends got sent to the office for not wearing a bra to high school. Image source: smartbiphasic, romankosolapov / Envato...

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;6 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;1240 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Katie Reese

25 Stories Of Why One Should Think Twice About The Tradwives Trend

#1 My grandmother raised 5 kids on the prairies in the 40s. She worked from before dawn until midnight. Image source: Userdataunavailable, Anastasia Shuraeva / pexels She almost died from one homebirth and had to get up with a broken pelvis 2 days later to help with the farm. She wasn’t allowed to wear pants or cut her hair and slaved her entire life. She had little or no agency in anything....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;18 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;3646 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Lucinda Rosario

25 Things People Want Until They Get Them

#1 Image source: Majestic_Living7321, Jubéo Hernandez A pool. Unless you have a lot more money lol. #2 Image source: Berbigs_, energepic.com A high paying job. Making good money is enticing but when your work starts to consume your life and deteriorate your mental health, the money isn’t worth it anymore. #3 Image source: PermaBanTogether, Anna Shvets Myself included on this one— but I know many people that have certain kinks/fetishes they’ve always wanted to try, and totally did not enjoy it once it became a reality....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;5 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;995 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Dorothy Mcbride

25 Timeless Tools And Appliances People Swear By Even Decades Later

#1 Image source: MonsteraMama I have a metal rotary cheese grater that still works perfectly – I’ve tried to replace it with newer ones, but the flimsy plastic ones just don’t cut it. I’m not sure how old it is but it was a gift from my great granny’s kitchen and I believe she got it in France in the 40’s or 50’s. Sturdiest thing in my kitchen. #2 Image source: HTRK74JR, HTRK74JR A measuring spoon from the 40s or 50s....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;9 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;1895 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Florence Obrien

25 Times Male Writers Proved Their Inability To Relate To Women

#1 Image source: kit_kat_barcalounger, Universal Pictures After seeing Oppenheimer recently it became painfully apparent that Christopher Nolan sucks at writing women. I can’t think of a single well-rounded female character in any of his films. u/taimychoo added: This man really casted Florence Pugh just to give her one nude scene and 67 seconds of dialogue, all the while fawning over Oppenheimer for no real reason #2 Image source: Positive_Prompt_3171, Warner Bros....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;23 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;4689 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Phyllis Curtis

25 Times People Used This Online Thread To Confess Things Nobody In Their Real Life Knows About

#1 Image source: BarnacleMcBarndoor, Tibor Pápai / unsplash (not the actual photo) Im in love with my best friend. I told her two years ago that I wanted to take her on actual date, and she told me she just wanted to be friends. After that’s It was a couple weeks of her not really talking to me and then unfortunately she had an accident. The accidentally resulted in problems partially impacting both long and short term memory....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;45 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;9487 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Edith Lewis

25 Times Someone Couldn T Handle A New Job And Immediately Quit

#1 My mom lasted about 3 hours as a waitress. Some guy kept snapping his fingers and my mom assumed he was just snapping so she ignored it. The woman training her said, “He wants coffee. Image source: Johannes_Chimp, Ketut Subiyanto / pexels (not the actual photo) That’s why he’s snapping.” My mom said, “Then he can ask for it like a grown up.” It was loud enough for the guy to hear and he called my mom a b***h....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;14 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;2943 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Diane Childs

25 Times This Artist Illustrated The Reality Of Being A Cat Owner

#1 More info: Instagram | lingvistov.com | twitter.com | Facebook | youtube.com | patreon.com Image source: lingvistov The Mom : “Yup. I carry conversations with my cats and my family thinks I’m nuts.” Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “They have to tell us about their day, same as anyone else.” #2 Image source: lingvistov Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “Said every cat ever.” #3 Image source: lingvistov Paul C....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;7 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;1404 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Addie Owens

25 Tourists Discuss The Most Frightening Moments On Their Trips

#1 Image source: alizabs91, wikipedia.org My uncle decided to fk around on a trail in Yellowstone near some hot pools. He was walking backwards on the trail and f***g FELL OFF right onto the crust near the hot pools. By sheer luck, he didn’t fall through. It was horrifying. I thought we were witnessing a man die. #2 Image source: SweetCosmicPope, Miles Hardacre I shared this on here recently because it happened recently: Was snorkeling with my wife and son....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;17 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;3603 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Justin Dunn

30 Amazing Photos Shared In This Online Travel Community That Might Tempt You To Pack Your Bags

#1 Had To Vacation In My Home Country This Year. I Am Okay With It. Romsdalen, Norway More info: Reddit Image source: EinFogel #2 Mürren, Swiss Alps Image source: reddit.com #3 The Serengeti Absolutely Blew My Mind Away Image source: mkz419 #4 Beautiful Ukraine, Road Trip This Summer Image source: bbriga #5 The Most Incredible Border Between Vietnam & China Image source: EpicAdriann #6 I Spent Four Days Camping Out In The Remote Algerian Sahara – Just Me And A Local Guide....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;3 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;557 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Robert Abramson

30 Cheap But Valuable Purchases That Defied All Expectations

#1 Image source: antiyoupunk Not me, but my friend’s grandmother was at a yard sale and bought a framed sketch cause she thought it looked neat. Turned out to be a genuine Picasso sketch. No idea what it was worth, but she paid like a dollar for it. I should also add that his grandmother was already filthy rich, so she just hung it up and was like “meh, that’s neat”....

<span title='2024-09-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>September 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;9 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;1764 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Debra Smiley