#1 Back when I was in college I had a part-time job in some call center for a cellphone company, so I’d get calls from customers, and they were pretty evenly split between people who needed help with some minor tech issue, or people who had some issue with their bill or service. Many of the billing issues had to do with people who didn’t pay their cellphone bill on time and their service got suspended, and most of the time those people had terrible credit and that’s why the company only agreed to give them a very specific sort of contract that severely limited the things they could do and how much money they could owe as well as for how long before their cell simply stopped working, partly for their protection so that they wouldn’t rack up even more charges, but also because the company knew based on their credit score that they were terrible at paying their debts and it was a terrible business decision to allow some broke dumbass to keep racking up thousands of dollars in cellphone charges across months and months when they couldn’t pay, and often didn’t even intend to pay....