
Image source: pashaah, RDNE Stock project When my husband cleans the kitchen its like he thinks he did me a favour and then expects a thank you. Its not just my kitchen, im not thanking you for something you should do more often…


Image source: celestialism, Cam Morin Guys often do what they think is a nice thing without actually considering what the other person would perceive as a nice thing. For example, buying me flowers when I’m pissed off that they were disrespectfully late for a date and haven’t been answering texts regularly. You could just… promise to not do those things anymore and then legitimately never do them anymore. I’d prefer that over flowers.


Image source: 5leeplessinvancouver, Ekaterina Belinskaya My motorcycle stalled and wouldn’t start again. I was pushing it down the street back to my house when this guy saw me and insisted that I needed help. He pushed my bike a total of ten feet before he dropped it, picked it up and dropped it again, then started complaining that it was too heavy. Thanks to his “help” my poor bike got all scratched and dented. Funny I was doing fine on my own without him?


Image source: QueenOfTheTermites, cottonbro studio My rage soars when I get the: “what can I do to make it up to you, now?” question. After I’ve explained that I’m mad they did this disrespectful thing. And what they mean is ‘is there a gift I can buy you to fix this so that I don’t have to change my actions’


Image source: EnvironmentalLuck515, Ron Lach Thinking sex cures everything.


Image source: peppermind, Josh Willink I’m sure the guys who come here, asking questions like this trying to understand women, are attempting to be thoughtful. The thing is, any attempt to figure out what we like as a group is doomed to failure. There are roughly 3.5 billion women on the planet, and any group that size will have different opinions on lots of things. Being thoughtful is about paying attention to the individual not making assumptions based on what some people on the internet said.


Image source: SheWhoWelds, Blue Bird I’ve had several men insist on helping me lift something they think is too heavy for me while I’m at work. I have to explain that I was hired to do a demanding job and I need to be physically capable of doing it, and their attempt to “help” me is actually hurting my image.


Image source: EnvironmentalLuck515, Mikael Blomkvist Mansplaining. Do things for me when I have indicated I prefer to do them myself. Thinking that the response they would want to something is the one I would want, without actually asking me or listening.


Image source: redmeownkey, Ketut Subiyanto “let’s just do everything your way. You can decide. I have no opinion” Sir this is your date/wedding/house/kids as much as mine. It doesn’t come across as thoughtful, it comes across as you not giving a s**t.


Image source: overdressed_raccoon, YuriArcursPeopleimages Kinda specific but if a guy tries to get pass me and puts his hand on my lower back. I get that he might have good intentions and doesn’t want to bump into me but having a stranger make any form of physical contact instantly makes me feel like I’m in danger


Image source: sad-and-bougie, cottonbro studio Thinking that I need practical advice when I’m just trying to vent. Focusing on problem solving instead of listening.


Image source: Magnificent_Ninja1, Julia Larson Unsolicited advice on ways for me to get fit and/or live healthier, particularly if they’re my partner (they think they’re being supportive but what I hear is “you’re fat”)


Image source: anon, cottonbro studio When men refuse to go through a door I’ve opened for them, grabbing the door over my head, and insisting I go through first. Bruh, I’m just trying to be nice, I’m not challenging your masculinity. I know they think they’re being chivalrous and kind… but it comes off misogynistic. You simply can’t bear the thought of a woman holding the door for you?


Offering to do something to help around the house but then half as*ing it. I’d have rather honestly just done it by myself than have to get frustrated and finish it Image source: candy211010


When I am upset that they said/did something they knew I would be annoyed about, and then want to give me a hug or kiss to make me feel better. Dude, it’s you who wants the hug or kiss to feel better, not me. Image source: kirowyns


Image source: anon, cottonbro studio It’s really really annoying when guys insist on doing something nice when I tell them no. More than once I’ve had to straight up argue with guys who insisted on being “gentlemen”. It’s not even a romantic angle thing, it’s just an incredibly patronizing “I know what’s best for you” thing.


Image source: eggofreddo, Dani Mota Say things like “there are men who actually love [thing you’re insecure about]. I for one actually love [thing you’re insecure about]” when you open up about your insecurities. It’s not about whether men like something or not. Whether I love my own body shouldn’t be determined whether there are men out there who find it attractive. You could have a 100 men compliment the thing you’re insecure about and still hate it by the end.


Image source: paieggs, Keira Burton This whole, ‘oh if I see another guy harassing you I’m gonna beat his a*s’. Unless I specifically ask you to do that (which I won’t because that’s stupid) you’re just going to make the situation worse, get hurt and make it about your heroism (or pain when you likely get battered) There are ways to help in those situations without making it more dangerous for everyone involved


Image source: ohhownowpurplecow, Radu Florin Make big grand gestures because they think that what girls want (thanks movies and social media), ignoring the fact that you’re a very low key person who hates attention.


Image source: MosadiMogolo, RDNE Stock project Trying to be supportive or validating by saying things like, “You’re feeling [type of way] right now” or “I know you’re thinking [thoughts]” that are not at all how I’m feeling or what I’m thinking. Instead of being thoughtful, it comes off as assuming they know me better than I know myself or shows that they’ve totally misinterpreted my thoughts and feelings and just assume things about me that aren’t true. It’s infuriating and actually highly invalidating.

Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 66Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 76Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 50Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 61Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 4Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 41Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 56Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 68Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 93Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 85Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 40Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 96Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 22Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 61Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 22Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 48Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 10Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 16

title: “Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don T Agree” ShowToc: true date: “2024-10-21” author: “Nancy Armon”


Image source: pashaah, RDNE Stock project When my husband cleans the kitchen its like he thinks he did me a favour and then expects a thank you. Its not just my kitchen, im not thanking you for something you should do more often…


Image source: celestialism, Cam Morin Guys often do what they think is a nice thing without actually considering what the other person would perceive as a nice thing. For example, buying me flowers when I’m pissed off that they were disrespectfully late for a date and haven’t been answering texts regularly. You could just… promise to not do those things anymore and then legitimately never do them anymore. I’d prefer that over flowers.


Image source: 5leeplessinvancouver, Ekaterina Belinskaya My motorcycle stalled and wouldn’t start again. I was pushing it down the street back to my house when this guy saw me and insisted that I needed help. He pushed my bike a total of ten feet before he dropped it, picked it up and dropped it again, then started complaining that it was too heavy. Thanks to his “help” my poor bike got all scratched and dented. Funny I was doing fine on my own without him?


Image source: QueenOfTheTermites, cottonbro studio My rage soars when I get the: “what can I do to make it up to you, now?” question. After I’ve explained that I’m mad they did this disrespectful thing. And what they mean is ‘is there a gift I can buy you to fix this so that I don’t have to change my actions’


Image source: EnvironmentalLuck515, Ron Lach Thinking sex cures everything.


Image source: peppermind, Josh Willink I’m sure the guys who come here, asking questions like this trying to understand women, are attempting to be thoughtful. The thing is, any attempt to figure out what we like as a group is doomed to failure. There are roughly 3.5 billion women on the planet, and any group that size will have different opinions on lots of things. Being thoughtful is about paying attention to the individual not making assumptions based on what some people on the internet said.


Image source: SheWhoWelds, Blue Bird I’ve had several men insist on helping me lift something they think is too heavy for me while I’m at work. I have to explain that I was hired to do a demanding job and I need to be physically capable of doing it, and their attempt to “help” me is actually hurting my image.


Image source: EnvironmentalLuck515, Mikael Blomkvist Mansplaining. Do things for me when I have indicated I prefer to do them myself. Thinking that the response they would want to something is the one I would want, without actually asking me or listening.


Image source: redmeownkey, Ketut Subiyanto “let’s just do everything your way. You can decide. I have no opinion” Sir this is your date/wedding/house/kids as much as mine. It doesn’t come across as thoughtful, it comes across as you not giving a s**t.


Image source: overdressed_raccoon, YuriArcursPeopleimages Kinda specific but if a guy tries to get pass me and puts his hand on my lower back. I get that he might have good intentions and doesn’t want to bump into me but having a stranger make any form of physical contact instantly makes me feel like I’m in danger


Image source: sad-and-bougie, cottonbro studio Thinking that I need practical advice when I’m just trying to vent. Focusing on problem solving instead of listening.


Image source: Magnificent_Ninja1, Julia Larson Unsolicited advice on ways for me to get fit and/or live healthier, particularly if they’re my partner (they think they’re being supportive but what I hear is “you’re fat”)


Image source: anon, cottonbro studio When men refuse to go through a door I’ve opened for them, grabbing the door over my head, and insisting I go through first. Bruh, I’m just trying to be nice, I’m not challenging your masculinity. I know they think they’re being chivalrous and kind… but it comes off misogynistic. You simply can’t bear the thought of a woman holding the door for you?


Offering to do something to help around the house but then half as*ing it. I’d have rather honestly just done it by myself than have to get frustrated and finish it Image source: candy211010


When I am upset that they said/did something they knew I would be annoyed about, and then want to give me a hug or kiss to make me feel better. Dude, it’s you who wants the hug or kiss to feel better, not me. Image source: kirowyns


Image source: anon, cottonbro studio It’s really really annoying when guys insist on doing something nice when I tell them no. More than once I’ve had to straight up argue with guys who insisted on being “gentlemen”. It’s not even a romantic angle thing, it’s just an incredibly patronizing “I know what’s best for you” thing.


Image source: eggofreddo, Dani Mota Say things like “there are men who actually love [thing you’re insecure about]. I for one actually love [thing you’re insecure about]” when you open up about your insecurities. It’s not about whether men like something or not. Whether I love my own body shouldn’t be determined whether there are men out there who find it attractive. You could have a 100 men compliment the thing you’re insecure about and still hate it by the end.


Image source: paieggs, Keira Burton This whole, ‘oh if I see another guy harassing you I’m gonna beat his a*s’. Unless I specifically ask you to do that (which I won’t because that’s stupid) you’re just going to make the situation worse, get hurt and make it about your heroism (or pain when you likely get battered) There are ways to help in those situations without making it more dangerous for everyone involved


Image source: ohhownowpurplecow, Radu Florin Make big grand gestures because they think that what girls want (thanks movies and social media), ignoring the fact that you’re a very low key person who hates attention.


Image source: MosadiMogolo, RDNE Stock project Trying to be supportive or validating by saying things like, “You’re feeling [type of way] right now” or “I know you’re thinking [thoughts]” that are not at all how I’m feeling or what I’m thinking. Instead of being thoughtful, it comes off as assuming they know me better than I know myself or shows that they’ve totally misinterpreted my thoughts and feelings and just assume things about me that aren’t true. It’s infuriating and actually highly invalidating.

Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 25Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 56Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 97Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 61Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 49Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 46Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 20Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 3Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 80Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 43Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 6Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 35Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 75Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 50Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 42Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 25Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 89Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 58

title: “Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don T Agree” ShowToc: true date: “2024-10-01” author: “Terry Gonzales”


Image source: pashaah, RDNE Stock project When my husband cleans the kitchen its like he thinks he did me a favour and then expects a thank you. Its not just my kitchen, im not thanking you for something you should do more often…


Image source: celestialism, Cam Morin Guys often do what they think is a nice thing without actually considering what the other person would perceive as a nice thing. For example, buying me flowers when I’m pissed off that they were disrespectfully late for a date and haven’t been answering texts regularly. You could just… promise to not do those things anymore and then legitimately never do them anymore. I’d prefer that over flowers.


Image source: 5leeplessinvancouver, Ekaterina Belinskaya My motorcycle stalled and wouldn’t start again. I was pushing it down the street back to my house when this guy saw me and insisted that I needed help. He pushed my bike a total of ten feet before he dropped it, picked it up and dropped it again, then started complaining that it was too heavy. Thanks to his “help” my poor bike got all scratched and dented. Funny I was doing fine on my own without him?


Image source: QueenOfTheTermites, cottonbro studio My rage soars when I get the: “what can I do to make it up to you, now?” question. After I’ve explained that I’m mad they did this disrespectful thing. And what they mean is ‘is there a gift I can buy you to fix this so that I don’t have to change my actions’


Image source: EnvironmentalLuck515, Ron Lach Thinking sex cures everything.


Image source: peppermind, Josh Willink I’m sure the guys who come here, asking questions like this trying to understand women, are attempting to be thoughtful. The thing is, any attempt to figure out what we like as a group is doomed to failure. There are roughly 3.5 billion women on the planet, and any group that size will have different opinions on lots of things. Being thoughtful is about paying attention to the individual not making assumptions based on what some people on the internet said.


Image source: SheWhoWelds, Blue Bird I’ve had several men insist on helping me lift something they think is too heavy for me while I’m at work. I have to explain that I was hired to do a demanding job and I need to be physically capable of doing it, and their attempt to “help” me is actually hurting my image.


Image source: EnvironmentalLuck515, Mikael Blomkvist Mansplaining. Do things for me when I have indicated I prefer to do them myself. Thinking that the response they would want to something is the one I would want, without actually asking me or listening.


Image source: redmeownkey, Ketut Subiyanto “let’s just do everything your way. You can decide. I have no opinion” Sir this is your date/wedding/house/kids as much as mine. It doesn’t come across as thoughtful, it comes across as you not giving a s**t.


Image source: overdressed_raccoon, YuriArcursPeopleimages Kinda specific but if a guy tries to get pass me and puts his hand on my lower back. I get that he might have good intentions and doesn’t want to bump into me but having a stranger make any form of physical contact instantly makes me feel like I’m in danger


Image source: sad-and-bougie, cottonbro studio Thinking that I need practical advice when I’m just trying to vent. Focusing on problem solving instead of listening.


Image source: Magnificent_Ninja1, Julia Larson Unsolicited advice on ways for me to get fit and/or live healthier, particularly if they’re my partner (they think they’re being supportive but what I hear is “you’re fat”)


Image source: anon, cottonbro studio When men refuse to go through a door I’ve opened for them, grabbing the door over my head, and insisting I go through first. Bruh, I’m just trying to be nice, I’m not challenging your masculinity. I know they think they’re being chivalrous and kind… but it comes off misogynistic. You simply can’t bear the thought of a woman holding the door for you?


Offering to do something to help around the house but then half as*ing it. I’d have rather honestly just done it by myself than have to get frustrated and finish it Image source: candy211010


When I am upset that they said/did something they knew I would be annoyed about, and then want to give me a hug or kiss to make me feel better. Dude, it’s you who wants the hug or kiss to feel better, not me. Image source: kirowyns


Image source: anon, cottonbro studio It’s really really annoying when guys insist on doing something nice when I tell them no. More than once I’ve had to straight up argue with guys who insisted on being “gentlemen”. It’s not even a romantic angle thing, it’s just an incredibly patronizing “I know what’s best for you” thing.


Image source: eggofreddo, Dani Mota Say things like “there are men who actually love [thing you’re insecure about]. I for one actually love [thing you’re insecure about]” when you open up about your insecurities. It’s not about whether men like something or not. Whether I love my own body shouldn’t be determined whether there are men out there who find it attractive. You could have a 100 men compliment the thing you’re insecure about and still hate it by the end.


Image source: paieggs, Keira Burton This whole, ‘oh if I see another guy harassing you I’m gonna beat his a*s’. Unless I specifically ask you to do that (which I won’t because that’s stupid) you’re just going to make the situation worse, get hurt and make it about your heroism (or pain when you likely get battered) There are ways to help in those situations without making it more dangerous for everyone involved


Image source: ohhownowpurplecow, Radu Florin Make big grand gestures because they think that what girls want (thanks movies and social media), ignoring the fact that you’re a very low key person who hates attention.


Image source: MosadiMogolo, RDNE Stock project Trying to be supportive or validating by saying things like, “You’re feeling [type of way] right now” or “I know you’re thinking [thoughts]” that are not at all how I’m feeling or what I’m thinking. Instead of being thoughtful, it comes off as assuming they know me better than I know myself or shows that they’ve totally misinterpreted my thoughts and feelings and just assume things about me that aren’t true. It’s infuriating and actually highly invalidating.

Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 63Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 9Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 29Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 49Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 57Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 32Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 38Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 56Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 71Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 22Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 12Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 21Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 29Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 62Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 41Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 48Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 96Many Men Still Seem To Think Doing These 20 Things Are Thoughtful But Women Don t Agree - 9