More info: Website | Podcast Image source: ohmystass Blue Morpho Butterfly: now THIS is what all workplaces should be like! 🙌🙌
Image source: Loewhaley Tucker Cahooter: Or better still, be the person who cancels them
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: jzux UncleJohn3000: “I don’t remember! I’ve slept since then!”
Image source: dummy39396829 Annik Perrot: À year!
Image source: surfingcorporate M O’Connell: They will all remember, for Patricia was full of s**t and the attendees nodded in silence.
Image source: zarawesome Annik Perrot: There’s always going to be one that doesn’t, too fond of the sound of their own voice.
Image source: toniabbas
Image source: sivvgobozi Pandemonium: Even better is to be born rich. Think ahead!
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: anxious_silence Sky Render: Could try a data entry job that lets you listen to your own music. It’s pretty nice, spending all day doing mindless typing while rockin’ it out to your favorite tunes.
Image source: WorkRetireDie Papa: For some reason that reminds me of something I saw recently; “If at first you don’t succeed, try doing it the way I told you to.”
Image source: bessbell
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: hcdawes
Image source: surfingcorporate General Anaesthesia (edited): Then you post the answer and less than ten seconds later the rest pile on with their “but, but ,butts”.
Image source: surfingcorporate Sofia: basically do it wrong althought you know is wrong so nobody can blame you for being wrong
Image source: lizardschwartz
Image source: surfingcorporate Mimi La Souris: I’m pretty optimistic about this. Over time, diversity will climb the pyramid. At my job, all the directors were white men. Now it’s almost 50% men 50% women and 4 different ethnic groups. Dinosaurs are disappearing (even if some survive and take pretty colorful feathers), young people are making a difference because they do not let themselves be pushed around like my generation.
Image source: surfingcorporate Mike m: Upper management makes one decision, goes home at 10am and is at the beach by 11. Meanwhile you’re working until 9pm and still can’t get caught up and you make 1/10th their salary if you’re lucky.
Image source: surfingcorporate Jill Rhodry: (edited) Yas – my ‘how’s it going week’ soulmate! Mondays = horrid, but you know it’s going to be horrid so you’re prepared – Wednesday = humpday, not bad; Thursday = nearly Friday, we’re getting there; FRIYAY! So Tuesdays = it’s already been a long week and it’s only Tuesday, absolutely horrific 😨
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: Balbazz
Image source: surfingcorporate That Person: This
Image source: realBrookNash Dawn Chan: what? only 27? Amateur. I have 50+
Image source: surfingcorporate -DungeonKeeper-: You could also say “no good” which is also true
Image source: benphillips76
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: surfingcorporate
Image source: MattBellassai
Image source: surfingcorporate LooseSeal’s $10 Banana: A great environment for personal growth and abundant opportunities to make meaningful impacts on the world.