Image source: Emily Seymour Jeff White: “Clever. And now that I realize that is idea is likely true, I am scared.” Evan not Hansen: “It’s not just built on an ancient burial ground, the founders and their ancestors made it into even more of a native american burial ground. Lots of angry spirits probably.”
Image source: Emily Seymour ZGutr: “Exactly !! No payment required? No payment details to be given !!”
Image source: Janeth McClure Marianne: “My toddler had a frozen bread roll yesterday. He didn’t allow me to unfreeze it, because he doesn’t like them “warm”. I dared him to eat it frozen then and he did. I have no more power here.” White Sauce Hot Sauce: “I’m not a parent, but I’m pretty sure microwaving kids before serving them frozen nuggets wouldn’t make me a better parent.”
Image source: Nicola Nic Nac Turner Sue Denham: “Exactly. Serial killers should have a better grasp of correct grammar.”
Image source: Steve Young Savahax: “USA didn’t work. Let’s try USB” ZGutr: “IT here, Probably not a bad idea at all. It often solves issues and improve performance. However …… a few more countries can use that, maybe time to think unplug earth for a nice and clean reboot”
Image source: Emily Seymour Sue Denham: “OMG. The ultimate crazy cat lady house. I want!”
Image source: Jameia Dempsey Chihuahua Mama: “Goodluck moving that thing”
Image source: Steve Young Chihuahua Mama: “I’m more impressed than anything else” Abel: “You dont have to train them. They are natural thieves!”
Image source: Ryan Edwards CD Mills: “That’s simply weaponized incompetence. We know they see the ketchup, they just want to make us get it for them.”
Image source: Anna Darwin Mike m: “She wants her own fries and dessert too. Probably 2.”
Image source: Emily Seymour sbj: “That is one cheesed off kitty” Rca Vcd: “I don’t see disappointment, i see murder”
Image source: Heath Thompson Sue Denham: “He’s a bit in-bread but at least he doesn’t loaf around. (Sorry, sorry.)”
Image source: Jameia Dempsey Angrywolf: “Jup that’s me!”
Image source: Janeth McClure Alex Kennedy: “Yes, because to become really rich one must be ok with hurting poor people.”
Image source: Kevin Sean The Darkest Timeline: “Resting duck face”
Image source: Steve Young Bored Retsuko: “😆 True!”
Image source: Steve Young Farah the Turtle: “Is anyone else gonna come into Hell for laughing before I close the door?”
Image source: David J Ruedy
Image source: Meme King Sue Denham: “Grandma is clearly a very wise woman.”
Image source: Kenneth Lucas
Image source: Brandy Michelle Gerber Grudge-holding Treefrog: “They start googling it and I get my “I told you so” ready”
Image source: Steve Young Chihuahua Mama: “Don’t forget my lungs, which are also on fire”
Image source: SymoneBeez
Image source: Steve Young Millie Jessop: “WHERE CAN I GET ONE!!!”
Image source: Alis Berezinez
Image source: Steve Young
Image source: David Castillo Grudge-holding Treefrog: “A non-anthropomorphic bird” George S Gurchinoff III: “Ever wonder why Donald doesn’t have his OWN kids?”
Image source: Emily Seymour Fry Day: “Always drive like there’s a cop behind you, so it’s no sweat when one does.”
Image source: Steve Young
Image source: Kandas Reedy Kilgore-V: “Don’t mind my, just need to make a phone call, completely unrelated…”
Image source: David Castillo
Image source: Janeth McClure
Image source: Melissa Ann Brown
Image source: Emily Seymour sbj: “Doing this was much more fun and rewarding”
Image source: Emily Seymour Linda Gilliam: “I’m sorry, but that’s just nastified !!!”