Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
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Image source: instagram Stephanie Did It: Strummin my pain with his fingers, singing my life with his words
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Image source: instagram CrunChewy McSandybutt: The “juice” is held between two plastic layers, giving the illusion of a full bottle. when tilted upside-down, all the liquid falls into the cap area where it can’t be seen.
Image source: instagram, t_sadiity Kariali: When I was single, I used to order a sushi plate for two persons and ate the whole thing. Self-love!
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram Bored something: Changing those sheets would count as a full gym session
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram Bonesko (edited): I hope Betty White is eating cheesecake with the rest of the Golden Girls 🥰
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram Sanne (edited): So, like a regular person?
Image source: instagram Mark: P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney I REMEMBERED
Image source: instagram Kariali: Do you know the scene where whales jump out of water, rotate and let themselves fall back into the water with a big splash? That’s my husband about 100 times per night.
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram coffee_meowniac: Oh hell no, this hurts, this is too relatable, especially with strict parents.When your dreams are crushed by their judgment. And you have to be just like 😶😶😶
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
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Image source: instagram Kristal: Well yeah, finding a way to remember the correct spelling IS being educated
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Image source: instagram Corvus: “sore eyes treatment”
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Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram
Image source: instagram Sanne: Don’t get your kid a ridiculous amount of plastic toys and you wouldn’t have this problem. They really don’t need this much.