More info: X Image credits: seriuslynothing
Image source: Snipewituzi
Image source: tl23soldier Sue: Especially if you like to go to sleep with the TV on & you’re almost there.
Image source: JE50269 Hans Georg: If you wake up in the middle of the night and you have to pee, then do it. Ignored it once and ruined my whole week due to a bladder infection. Worst week ever.
Image source: King_Bastian13 Donald: You might as well just go back to bed and start your day over.
Image source: _Lennyy Russell Bowman: Rule to live by … never run below a quarter tank. Iver time an amazing amount of sediments build up inside your tank, “Runnin’ on empty” … good song but deadly for a cars fuel filter and pump … ie expensive
Image source: MuhindaOwen Bec: I just can’t own anything white. ,y clothes seem to always want a ‘taste’
Image source: Aurii_Gold Klondike Penguin: Even worse, you back molars biting your inner cheek.
Image source: ohgodjohnwhy Kobe (she): and forgot that the whatever meat is still in the freezer, so it has to defrost first.
Image source: Gamec**kWill69 Kim Gilbert: Always when I’m in a bad mood and I swear at a perfectly innocent door handle.
Image source: digableblk_
Image source: BigMamaDeja
Image source: jakesauser
Image source: GenyF91
Image source: hashjenni LizzieBoredom: See cashier. See rage-filled customer. Run cashier. Run!
Image source: PrayForJack
Image source: vianey_gon
Image source: threestripeneil Kaa: I’m more annoyed about the 15 emails that go back and forth to discuss a situation that could be explained in a max. 5 minute phone call.
Image source: Carolinas_942
Image source: danw_1986 James016: AAARRRRGGHHHH!! This happened about 20 mins ago. It was clammy so I had to change.
Image source: IgnorantAF Punk princess: I yell you’re welcome at them
Image source: ResultsMayGARY
Image source: PlayinWiTheLead
Image source: CaressLepore Libstak: Anywhere…I JUST DO NOT WANT TO STICK MY PHONE AT EVERY FREAKING RANDOM BARCODE I DONT KNOW YOU, my private space is my phone aps in this day and age, you can’t just weasle your way into my space with that st. I KNOW i’m gonna get updates and st ads forever at some point when the add on tech allows it.
Image source: rshah2611
Image source: dg00ds1
Image source: IEat_Her_Tweets Libstak: Didn’t plug in properly and not charged at all is worse
Image source: _LaKev
Image source: LiebeUnderworld CORGI QUEEN: I’m a girl and I understand
Image source: RegentWalnut530
Image source: MichaelDrummey LizzieBoredom (edited): I went to 40-50 Rock concerts in the 70s, so that ship has sailed (I couldn’t hear it, but I’m sure it sailed).