#1 If you hate everyone, have something to eat.

Image source: Gloomy_Use5525, Kelvin Valerio / pexels (not the actual photo) . If you feel like everyone hates you, get some sleep. . If you hate yourself, have a shower. . If you hate the world, get out into nature.

#2 Learning how to make use of all the free stuff provided by the local library – audiobooks, movie rentals, museum tickets, access to major newspaper publications, free wifi hotspot rentals, tax assistance, etc, etc, etc.

Image source: mysteriouswayz, Ivo Rainha/ pexels (not the actual photo)

#3 I hate to say it, but being thin. After losing a lot of weight, it’s crazy how different the world treats you.

Image source: codinginacrown, SHVETS production / pexels (not the actual photo)

#4 “Thank you for waiting” instead of “sorry I took so long.” has made my general life and self esteem so much better. I do that with a lot of things now. “Thank you for listening!” instead of “sorry for talking so much” is great.

Image source: PinkishBlurish, JÉSHOOTS / pexels (not the actual photo)

#5 Think before you speak, it’s simple but they don’t do it. Learning it makes you powerful.

Image source: white_Cuteangel__, Keira Burton / pexels (not the actual photo)

#6 Honestly learning how to say no without feeling guilty is like a life cheat code it saves you so much time, energy and stress.

Image source: Valentinaiuiu, cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)

#7 Showering when you’re feeling down about yourself or mildly depressed. Shower, then go outside for a walk, get some air. It does wonders.

Image source: NotEvilCaligula, Yaroslav Shuraev / pexels (not the actual photo)

#Being kind to people, even when you don’t have to be. Seriously, it’s like a life 8 hack with hidden bonuses.

Image source: External_Hamster3621, Jack Sparrow / pexels (not the actual photo) People tend to remember those who made them feel good, whether it’s a compliment, a simple “How’s your day?” or just listening when they’re having a rough one. It opens doors, creates opportunities, and builds connections in ways that are more powerful than people think. Also, being kind doesn’t just help others; it makes you feel better too. It’s like a cheat code for leveling up in life, and it’s free!

#9 Asking for help.

Image source: justtrustmeokay, SHVETS production / pexels (not the actual photo) NeroFMX: Accepting help.

#10 Always poop on company time.

Image source: pancakes1983

#11 When you fk up, admit your guilt and apologize. People will respect you. Deflecting and passing blame makes you look like an a***e.

Image source: MistaLuvcraft, Alex Green / pexels (not the actual photo)

#12 Keeping your mouth shut and just observing.

Image source: p0tty_mouth, RDNE Stock project / pexels (not the actual photo)

#13 “I have been disfellowshipped” Permanently gets rid of Jehovah’s Witness from ringing your doorbell.

Image source: Flynn_lives, Jonathan Wells / unsplash(not the actual photo)

#14 You’re allowed to change your mind at any point in the process.

No matter how much money or time or emotion others have put into it. You’re gonna need this tip at least a few times in your life to avoid major f**k-ups. Image source: Unusual_Reference_14

#15 Buying prescription glasses online. I used to pay $250-300 for glasses in a brick and mortar store and now I can get them for under $50 online.

Image source: NoDanaOnlyZuuI, GlassesShop GS / pexels (not the actual photo)

#16 Listening to understand, not to reply. This is all the vast majority of people need for you to be on their good side.

Image source: SpecialSauceSal, fauxels / pexels (not the actual photo)

#17 Water. Seeing it, hearing it, being submerged in it, and most of all drinking it. I can’t count the number of times I felt like a new person after washing my face or showering immediately after a long day, or calmed down just by the sounds of rain or flowing water, felt rejuvenated after drinking it… honestly i’m surprised everyday by the healing effects of water. Can’t be overstated imo.

Image source: AltruisticCup, Emine Uluğ / pexels (not the actual photo)

#18 Regular exercise. During times in my life where I don’t exercise, I slowly sink into anxiety and despair. A few weeks of good diet, little or no alcohol, and exercise every few days, it reverses completely and I feel like a different person.

Image source: Lumpy_Principle3397

#19 Minding your business is grossly underrated.

Image source: refreshingszn

#20 Spending less than you make.

Seriously. It sounds stupid but a lot of people don’t really track their expenses. A lot of people fall prey to “I have it in the bank, so I can afford it.” Savings look small at first, but after a few years can add up to substantial amounts. And I don’t mean people who have nothing left after rent, food and necessities. I mean people who get in the habit of treating themselves to things they can technically afford.

Image source: BrandNewSentience


Image source: Competitive-Vast557, Kindel Media / pexels (not the actual photo) I’m almost 51 and spent 50 yrs people pleasing,dieting,all of the things. For what? So, the last year I’ve just done whatever I wanted. It’s a beautiful thing to give ZERO Fs. True story.

#22 Getting enough sleep. It’s like a secret hack for everything—productivity, mood, health.

Image source: lusciousxogirl, Ivan Oboleninov / pexels (not the actual photo)

#23 Always thanking and acknowledging service workers. Tell the person bagging your groceries “Thanks for the help!”. Tell the person cleaning the restroom you are in “Thanks for keeping the restroom clean!” When you are paying your bill at the car dealership/local garage for service tell the person/cashier they were nice to work with. Tell the people that are fixing your plumbing you understand that although they couldn’t come out to your location yesterday you appreciated that that got the work done today.

Not only is this something you should just do. But these small acts of kindness come back in spades. All of the people at these places talk to each other and they all know who the a******s are and who the nice people are. The next time you need something extra or have to make a call for a plumbing repair, etc. there is a good chance you are first on the list , or they will give you break. Possibly jump your car in the parking lot if your battery is dead. If you do it consistently and genuinely it will help you out someday. Image source: OracEnsor

#24 Cleaning while cooking.

Image source: whoopsiedoodle77

#25 Show up on time and show up to events you’ve committed to. People love to know you’re trustworthy and pleasant to be around. You will be invited if you are the type of person who shows up when and where you say you will.

Image source: Nobodyville

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