
More info: Reddit Image source: wrencherspinner I don’t know if it was a coping mechanism so much as a survival tactic. I walk on the balls/toes of my feet all the time. If I’m barefooted, my heels never touch the ground unless I’m standing still. Quietness was the objective.


Image source: PeculiarInsomniac Shutting down emotional responses and forcing myself to ‘not care’ about any perceived loss. Apparently, this made it pretty annoying to discipline me because I would suddenly stop caring about anything that was threatened to be taken away. Nobody really taught me how to properly cope with loss when it started happening, and I guess my response was emotional repression.


Image source: theWelshTiger I look for signs, such as micro-expressions, about what kind of mood the other one is in. My therapist told me not all people do this, and I do it a lot. He also told me I developed it because I was always on the lookout because of my often angry, drunken stepdad.


Image source: DadsRGR8 Constantly trying to preempt or diffuse situations. I’m always checking the mood of the room. I’m pretending to laugh to lighten up my parents interactions.


Image source: Remote_Cat565 Not doing anything till the last minute so I feel pressured to do it — and when I finish doing it, I feel useful.


Image source: Konukaame Or shutting down because you have to work out the ‘perfect response’ in real-time. And no, screaming at me for being quiet will not make this process go any faster or help to resolve the mind-numbing panic that triggered it in the first place.


Image source: Crazei Cleaning or doing things behind the scenes for my family so they’re always happy, life goes smoothly, and my life is serene. The latter isn’t the case unfortunately; I’m exhausted and always on edge.


Image source: lovabilities My dad would get snippy with my sister and me to watch our tone when we wouldn’t have one. And then in high school and college, the slightest friggin shift in demeanor of my friends toward me sent me into a damn worry spiral. My boyfriend likes to speak frankly and clearly, and my mind makes it sound like he’s upset, which makes me apologize and actually annoy him since I apologize too much to begin with.


Image source: Rennarjen My sister and I both do this. Every minute spent at the table increased the likelihood that we would get yelled at for something unrelated, so the only strategy was to get out of there as quickly as possible. I have to make a conscious effort to slow down around other people now.


Image source: strawberrywine5880 Saying ‘I am sorry’ all the time.


Image source: DefNotAK Learning about dissociation is a game-changer. It’s so hard to explain what you feel when it’s happening. Being able to see other people try to explain it helps us understand it and not feel so broken.


Image source: Fenikkusu87 Laughing at pain, if I get hurt I laugh. I do it because I don’t want the people around me feeling uncomfortable. I do it even when people aren’t around. It hurts.


Image source: Bloodragedragon I can cut people out of my life and stop caring about people at the snap of my fingers, and I do it far too often to people who sometimes may not deserve it to keep myself safe.


Image source: bubbles2255 Apparently, I do something called ‘disassociating’ where I get so deep in thought that I don’t hear anything else around me. It drives my wife nuts.


Image source: WillBsGirl My parents were emotionally and often physically neglectful and cold. I was expected to stay out of the way and raise myself within the household. No mealtimes, bedtimes, bath times, nothing. The attention in the house was always negative. We lived way out in the country, too, so there were no playmates in the neighborhood — and my only sibling was 10 years older and of the opposite sex. I had this weird mental game from a young age — I must have gotten it from a book somewhere — where I would pretend I was in an orphanage (one of those old-fashioned ones, kinda like from Annie). The school bus dropped me off there. Then the evening was regimented. We lined up for dinner, sat and did homework, had a church-type service, and then were given baths and put to bed. I would pretend that I was one of many children doing these things. I would lie in bed and imagine myself lying in a row of identical twin beds.


Image source: throwingplaydoh I learned to lie rather convincingly. I was petrified of getting in trouble for the smallest things that I learned to hide quite a bit. I had such high anxiety as a kid.


Image source: AlternativeRope5639 Eating too fast. I remember noticing this even as a child still. I was always done first. And I never out grew it. Neglect and abandonment issues.


Image source: IsBastionAGirlRobot Always being okay having your decisions overridden by others and believing they know best. Examples: For birthdays, we’d get to pick a restaurant to eat at. I’d pick a place and usually my sister would complain and my parents would override. Being asked what I’d want for Christmas and being told ‘No, you don’t’ when you tell them what you want. I was super into astronomy growing up, so when I asked for a telescope, I was told more than once I didn’t want it. So I started to believe I didn’t want one.


Image source: Spicavierge I do this, too — and I terrified co-workers when I materialized behind them like a ghost at the copy machine or café counter. They called me ‘The Ghost,’ and I laughed along, but kept to myself that I also knew where the exits were and what was between them and myself at any given moment. Both of my parents had terrible tempers and three out of my four grandparents were abusive (of every kind you could name) people. You are absolutely right to call it a survival tactic.


Image source: Demache I keep track of where people are in the house. Since you can usually distinguish who is walking by how they sound, you can easily tell where they are. I still do it to this day even when it isn’t necessary. The sound of my mom or dad walking down the stairs always made my blood pressure spike. It was my only warning that they might open my door because they were really bad about not knocking and that meant they were pissed or wanted something. Unfortunately, they could also be walking downstairs for laundry or something else. So I would get worked up for no reason.

20 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 9520 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 9520 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 2720 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 8520 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 3920 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 7620 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 8320 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 7020 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 720 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 2120 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 3420 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 6820 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 5820 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 3020 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 7120 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 6620 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 8220 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 1320 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 7720 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 28

title: “20 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods” ShowToc: true date: “2024-09-29” author: “Wade Colapietro”


More info: Reddit Image source: wrencherspinner I don’t know if it was a coping mechanism so much as a survival tactic. I walk on the balls/toes of my feet all the time. If I’m barefooted, my heels never touch the ground unless I’m standing still. Quietness was the objective.


Image source: PeculiarInsomniac Shutting down emotional responses and forcing myself to ‘not care’ about any perceived loss. Apparently, this made it pretty annoying to discipline me because I would suddenly stop caring about anything that was threatened to be taken away. Nobody really taught me how to properly cope with loss when it started happening, and I guess my response was emotional repression.


Image source: theWelshTiger I look for signs, such as micro-expressions, about what kind of mood the other one is in. My therapist told me not all people do this, and I do it a lot. He also told me I developed it because I was always on the lookout because of my often angry, drunken stepdad.


Image source: DadsRGR8 Constantly trying to preempt or diffuse situations. I’m always checking the mood of the room. I’m pretending to laugh to lighten up my parents interactions.


Image source: Remote_Cat565 Not doing anything till the last minute so I feel pressured to do it — and when I finish doing it, I feel useful.


Image source: Konukaame Or shutting down because you have to work out the ‘perfect response’ in real-time. And no, screaming at me for being quiet will not make this process go any faster or help to resolve the mind-numbing panic that triggered it in the first place.


Image source: Crazei Cleaning or doing things behind the scenes for my family so they’re always happy, life goes smoothly, and my life is serene. The latter isn’t the case unfortunately; I’m exhausted and always on edge.


Image source: lovabilities My dad would get snippy with my sister and me to watch our tone when we wouldn’t have one. And then in high school and college, the slightest friggin shift in demeanor of my friends toward me sent me into a damn worry spiral. My boyfriend likes to speak frankly and clearly, and my mind makes it sound like he’s upset, which makes me apologize and actually annoy him since I apologize too much to begin with.


Image source: Rennarjen My sister and I both do this. Every minute spent at the table increased the likelihood that we would get yelled at for something unrelated, so the only strategy was to get out of there as quickly as possible. I have to make a conscious effort to slow down around other people now.


Image source: strawberrywine5880 Saying ‘I am sorry’ all the time.


Image source: DefNotAK Learning about dissociation is a game-changer. It’s so hard to explain what you feel when it’s happening. Being able to see other people try to explain it helps us understand it and not feel so broken.


Image source: Fenikkusu87 Laughing at pain, if I get hurt I laugh. I do it because I don’t want the people around me feeling uncomfortable. I do it even when people aren’t around. It hurts.


Image source: Bloodragedragon I can cut people out of my life and stop caring about people at the snap of my fingers, and I do it far too often to people who sometimes may not deserve it to keep myself safe.


Image source: bubbles2255 Apparently, I do something called ‘disassociating’ where I get so deep in thought that I don’t hear anything else around me. It drives my wife nuts.


Image source: WillBsGirl My parents were emotionally and often physically neglectful and cold. I was expected to stay out of the way and raise myself within the household. No mealtimes, bedtimes, bath times, nothing. The attention in the house was always negative. We lived way out in the country, too, so there were no playmates in the neighborhood — and my only sibling was 10 years older and of the opposite sex. I had this weird mental game from a young age — I must have gotten it from a book somewhere — where I would pretend I was in an orphanage (one of those old-fashioned ones, kinda like from Annie). The school bus dropped me off there. Then the evening was regimented. We lined up for dinner, sat and did homework, had a church-type service, and then were given baths and put to bed. I would pretend that I was one of many children doing these things. I would lie in bed and imagine myself lying in a row of identical twin beds.


Image source: throwingplaydoh I learned to lie rather convincingly. I was petrified of getting in trouble for the smallest things that I learned to hide quite a bit. I had such high anxiety as a kid.


Image source: AlternativeRope5639 Eating too fast. I remember noticing this even as a child still. I was always done first. And I never out grew it. Neglect and abandonment issues.


Image source: IsBastionAGirlRobot Always being okay having your decisions overridden by others and believing they know best. Examples: For birthdays, we’d get to pick a restaurant to eat at. I’d pick a place and usually my sister would complain and my parents would override. Being asked what I’d want for Christmas and being told ‘No, you don’t’ when you tell them what you want. I was super into astronomy growing up, so when I asked for a telescope, I was told more than once I didn’t want it. So I started to believe I didn’t want one.


Image source: Spicavierge I do this, too — and I terrified co-workers when I materialized behind them like a ghost at the copy machine or café counter. They called me ‘The Ghost,’ and I laughed along, but kept to myself that I also knew where the exits were and what was between them and myself at any given moment. Both of my parents had terrible tempers and three out of my four grandparents were abusive (of every kind you could name) people. You are absolutely right to call it a survival tactic.


Image source: Demache I keep track of where people are in the house. Since you can usually distinguish who is walking by how they sound, you can easily tell where they are. I still do it to this day even when it isn’t necessary. The sound of my mom or dad walking down the stairs always made my blood pressure spike. It was my only warning that they might open my door because they were really bad about not knocking and that meant they were pissed or wanted something. Unfortunately, they could also be walking downstairs for laundry or something else. So I would get worked up for no reason.

20 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 5120 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 620 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 2220 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 5820 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 1420 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 6720 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 520 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 5320 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 3720 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 2220 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 9620 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 8020 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 220 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 5220 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 7320 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 5320 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 220 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 9320 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 420 Weird Habits People Developed As A Result Of Childhood Coping Methods - 52