#1 They try and get selfies with a cow moose, 10 ft from the calf.
Image source: Flat-Dark-Earth, Melina Kiefer
#2 When they stop to take a picture of a deer, moose, elk or bear at the side of the road.
Image source: pvb57, Erik Mclean
#3 Cal-GARY instead of Calgree.
Image source: Sea-Limit-5430, Kyler Nixon
#4 When they ask, « Où est la toilette ? ».
Image source: Crowheart1914, George Pak
#5 They take photos of the squirrels.
Image source: lonelydavey, Pixabay
#6 Asking how many more miles up the #1 Highway till they hit Alaska… and they’re on Vancouver Island.
Image source: HeliRyGuy, Rod Long
#7 Standing in front of the Steam Clock (which is electric) with their mouth open.
Image source: Naked_Orca, Xiaoxia Xu
#8 When they say Victoria Island instead of Vancouver Island.
Image source: Canucksfan78, Lesly Derksen
#9 They just trundle off into the bush on a hiking trail with very little preparation or supplies. They try to approach/feed wild animals.
Image source: Winstonisapuppy, Ali Kazal
#10 Pronouncing the second T in Toronto.
Image source: revanite3956, Conor Samuel
#11 They look optimistic and happy (Saskatchewan resident).
Image source: fuzzylintball, DAVID LUCK
#12 When they call it the CNN Tower.
Image source: Judge_Rhinohold, Nadine Shaabana
#13 Trying a day drive from Toronto to Edmonton.
Image source: Moist-Requirement-98, Tabea Schimpf
#14 When they are worried or ask about bears.
Image source: anon, Ben Owen
#15 White plastic cowboy hats.
Image source: Ratfor, freepik
#16 When they are in banff ?.
Image source: Katedodwell2, John Lee
#17 They wear full-on parkas in April, May, and I’ve even seen June…..we live in the Arctic, sure, but people who live here are just more climitized, I guess.
Image source: Long_Revolution_9569, Dan Smith
#18 They casually talk about how they “might catch a Leaf game” as a family activity. Like buddy you realize that’s probably a $800-$1000 outing for a family of 4 right? Not saying it’s impossible, but at least do a little homework before making any promises to the kids. Bonus points if they drop the “I hear it’s playoffs, what’s the best way to get tickets”.
Image source: Buttsquish, Jerry Yu
#19 When they call the Confederation Bridge the Confederation Bridge and not just “The Bridge”.
Image source: SirNexus95, Dat Tran
#20 Their car has a front licence plate.
Image source: Boilerofthejug, Erik Mclean